5 Must-Know Mental Health Datasets for AI Research | August 2023I am a research scholar, and my research has revolved around AI for Mental Health Counseling for the last three years. I have published…Jun 6, 20231Jun 6, 20231
Dialogue SummarizationHere is a developing blog on the latest papers on dialogue summarization that I found relevant during my research on Dialogue Systems as a…Apr 2, 2023Apr 2, 2023
All of the [ PyTorch | Transformers ]Recurring Blog | Last Updated: June 09, 2023Jun 2, 2022Jun 2, 2022
Published inAnalytics VidhyaDialog Augmentation and Intent DetectionLearn how to build a Dialog Intent Classification model using BERT Classification. Also see how we can augment dialogues.Dec 19, 2020Dec 19, 2020
Published inAnalytics VidhyaSequence to Sequence Learning — Paper ExplainedThis blog gives a high level intuition of Seq2Seq model so you don’t need to be be “the deep learning guy” to understand all of it, basic…Sep 8, 2020Sep 8, 2020